Tuesday, 31 December 2019

2019: A year in numbers

1017: Estimated prize value (£). What a difference a year makes: 2018 was my most successful year by some margin; 2019, the least. There are reasons for this, of course - building works, for example, are always highly disruptive - but the main issue was a lack of focus. The year didn’t start well and I ended up taking my foot off the pedal. In fact, the only reason my score tipped over a grand was due to an administrative error in my favour. That’s not to say I had a bad year - how can something be bad when you’re enjoying yourself?!

300: Highest-value prize (£). Prize of the year has to be my PS4. A quick look online suggests that I’ve over-valued it here, but prices have a tendency to yo-yo, and I’m pretty sure Amazon was listing the bundle at £300 when I got the winning notification. RRP is just a number - what counts is the quality time I plan to have with this little sucker!

70: Value of vouchers won (£). Amazon (£50); bar tab (£20). Just as that Amazon voucher eased the pain of Christmas shopping, that bar tab is going to ease the pain of Christmas school holidays…

39: Number of wins. Not even a win a week - must do better!

18: Number of Instagram wins. While Insta is still my most fertile source of wins, the luck is drying up. The problem isn’t fewer comps - if anything, that number is on the rise. The real problem is the number of entries. Note: that’s not necessarily the same as the number of entrants, although I suspect this number is on the rise too; rather, it’s the number of comps permitting unlimited entries. Sure, I might chuck in a token tag for a bottle of scotch, but some people are tagging twenty friends for a share-bag of lentils, and that makes no sense at all.

15: Cash won (£). 15. Blew it all on my Mastercard bill.

4: T-shirts. I’ve outgrown the best one too. Lay off the pies, Neill!

3.3: Prizes still to arrive. To be fair, one of these prizes was a Christmas Day win (a Shreddies stormtrooper cereal bowl - woo!), so it’s unrealistic to expect that to have arrived already. By contrast, my box of Walker’s Crisps and Cadbury’s beanie are, for shame, overdue, but the fulfilment logistics for huge giveaways seldom run smoothly, so I’ll worry about those when I get round to it. As for that errant one-third of a prize, well, I guess we’ll see what we’ll see…

1: Comping son. It took a whole bunch of nagging to get him to knuckle down, but no one unboxes like my second-born!

How did your year go? Let me know in the comments below!


  1. 2019: My year in numbers

    961: Estimated prize value (£). Couldn't quite make the ton, and no administrative errors to help me out. Lack of focus for me too, and wasted most of December on Advents

    125: Highest-value prize (£). An overnight stay in a Jury's Hotel, which we won AFTER having booked into Jurys Brighton SuperLuckyLive!

    137: Value of vouchers won (£). Amazon (£22); cafes/restaurants (£115). I am a socialable sort.

    41: Number of wins. Like you, not even a win a week either :(

    16: Number of Twitter wins. When I'm feeling like a relatively easy time, I turn to Twitaculous for my fishing ground, to reel in some low value stuff, especially DVDS (three).

    10: Cash won (£). Thank you Trebor :)

    27: Not T-shirts, but Tea. Like you I won the Typhoo Tea Poetry comp, with my tea-chest topped up by PG Tips and Red Box.

    3: Prizes still to arrive for me too. A pair of Knutsford beer festival tickets for this April; and strangely two Cadbury’s beanies are also overdue too.

    Seems like we enter the same comps now and again ... HNY, George

    1. Some good stats George! - And plenty of tea too! I won a Jury's Inn stay previously, but it expired before Superlucky Live, so I dipped out there too :D That said, I understand each hotel has a strictly low limit on the number of gratis guests they can put up at any one time, so I imagine it would have been tricky to get a space anyway!
