Thursday, 31 August 2017

Unboxing August 2017

As you may have noticed, August has been a quiet month - I lost a large chunk to my first holiday in three years (yay!) and then a further wedge to the humungous dollop of unscheduled and definitely uninvited work that appeared on my desk during my absence (not yay!).

Add to this the school holidays and the nightmarishly huge backlog of household endeavours I've been waiting all year to address and you'll understand why I've not only failed to post anything these last few weeks, but I've barely even managed to enter anything either.

All work and no play makes Neill a dull boy, or more precisely, an unbearable stress monkey, so here's hoping that September heralds more joy. In the meantime: August wins.

Technically, that should be in the singular. One win. yes, that is all. For this reason, I'm bundling a little extra into this unboxing video - my first freebie from BzzAgent. It might not have come from a competition per se, but it still made me feel like a winner, but more on that in due course!

In the meantime, enjoy the moving pictures.

WARNING: some scenes unsuitable for the faint-hearted...

1 comment:

  1. hope you had a great holiday (well apart from the bag thing!) And the amazon win is fab!!! it might only be one win - but it's a good one. well done. x
